34 963 980 700 gamaser@gamaser.es


GOlab has assumed the responsibility of actively managing regulatory compliance in general, and the prevention of corporate crime in particular.

General de Análisis, Materiales y Servicios, S.L. onwards Golab, Global Omnium group company, under the commitment acquired by Board of Directors of Aguas de Valencia, S.A., parent company, contained in this Crime Prevention Policy, assumes responsibility for the active management of corporate crime and fraud prevention.

This Policy is applicable to all employees, officers, board members and directors of GOlab a who act for or on its behalf.

The principles inspiring this Policy are those of legality, due diligence and risk management. Golab is attached to the model for identification and control of the risk of perpetration of crimes that could give rise to criminal liability of the criminal person.

The Audit Committee set up by the Board is the Supervisory Body of Aguas de Valencia, S.A., with independent powers of initiative and control, responsible for supervising the implementation and observance of these models. The organization also has a Compliance Officer under the commission to maintain and promote crime prevention within the organization.

Any conduct that may give rise to criminal liability is absolutely prohibited and any infringement will be penalized in accordance with the disciplinary system applicable in each case. Global Omnium will identify activities of Golab where crimes may be perpetrated that could give rise to criminal liability of the corporate person, will control risk exposure by implementing preventive measures and controls, will afford employees and executives with training and will put in place procedures for consultation and internal complaint with confidentiality and non-reprisal safeguards.

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