Welcome to GOLab
Environmental Consulting
Customized solutions for environmental services. Multidisciplinary team dedicated to the care and protection of the natural environment. Environmental sustainability, our commitment.
Legionella Treatment
Control and prevention in risk facilities.”
- Personalized study for each client.
- Technical advice.
- Extensive experience in the sector.
Energy efficiency
Efficiency studies and energy audits in industry and construction. We advise you to maximize energy savings and minimize costs.
PCR service
The solution that best suits your needs. Fast, effective and economical. Less than €15 per person.
About us
GOlab is the Global Omnium Technology Center and operational base for water services. At GOlab we work with more than 250 professionals specialized in the different activities and services we provide. We make the knowledge accumulated over more than 125 years available to society through GOlab.

From Monday to Thursday from 8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.
Friday from 8:00 a.m. to 2:30 p.m., except holidays.
Parque Empresarial Táctica
Calle Corretger 51 46988 – PATERNA (VALENCIA)
Our services
Health Protection
GOlab in recent years has been committed to hiring personnel with scientific-technical knowledge that allows the implementation of research and development activities to seek innovative solutions to the main problems that arise, promoting competitive technological advance based on knowledge. .
Water Cycle
The environmental requirements in today’s society are increasingly demanding and this is reflected in more exhaustive and specific environmental legislation.
GOlab is a Collaborating Entity of the Hydraulic Administration in matters of control and surveillance of water quality and management of discharges to the Public Hydraulic Domain, as an Inspection Body.
Environmental Consulting
GOlab is dedicated to the analysis and advice on environmental and agricultural issues. It offers society quality, professionalism, speed and confidentiality. Its main objective is to gain the trust of its clients through the satisfaction of their explicit and implicit needs.

Global Omnium implements its GOAigua technology in Mexico City
Con más de 9 millones de habitantes Global Omnium, a través de Idrica, aterriza en México tras lograr contratos en otros puntos estratégicos del país como León (Guanajuato)Global Omnium cuenta con una delegación de Idrica en la ciudad con un amplio equipo ingenieros,...