+34 963 980 700 gamaser@gamaser.es

Inspection and sampling

The environmental requests of the current society are more and more demanding and this is reflected in the current specific and detailed environmental legislation.

GOlab is a collaborating Entity for Hydraulic Administration, in terms of control and vigilance of water quality and spillage management in the Public Hydraulic Domain, as an Inspection organization.

Among the services that GOlab provides are the following:

  • Environmental Inspection in areas of residual water, superficial continental water and seawater.
  • Control and Inspection of Spillage service in more than 60 areas in Spain.
  • Registration of industries with potentially harmful spills.
  • Collaboration in the processing of spill permits and inspection of industrial installations for treatment and evacuation of residual gasses.
  • Assistance to local entities for the implantation of regulating orders and collaboration for their compliance.
  • Control of relief of receptive element.
  • Monitoring and execution of actions aimed at avoiding contamination due to spillage, protecting the environment and leaving silt and mud in a state that it can be used for agricultural purposes.
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