34 963 980 700 gamaser@gamaser.es


Between its many functions GOlab has a wide range of services aimed at protecting the environment, and assuring the excellence and quality of the treatment of water in all contexts of society.

Types of services

From the integral Water Cycle to sanitary, agricultural and sporting activities and spaces related with urban features. Among the services that we offer are the following: Maintenance of ornamental fountains and drinking stations, maintenance of foot washers and beach showers, disinfection and leaning of deposits, irrigation and maintenance of gardens (public and private) treatment and control of the quality of auto-consumption and drinking water networks, control in management of spillways, swimming pools and sports centres or desalinization plants.

Maintenance of ornamental fountains and drinking stations
  • Initial study of the state of the fountain.
  • Proposal for the improvement and execution of civil work, plumbing and electricity. Design and improvement of the appearance of the fountain.
  • Weekly maintenance and integral periodic cleaning: cleaning, electricity, plumbing and civil work.
  • Analytical control of legionnaire’s disease. RD 865/2003.
Maintenance of foot washers and beach showers
  • Proposal for the improvement and execution of civil work, plumbing and electricity. Design and improvement to the fountain’s appearance.
  • Weekly maintenance and integral periodic cleaning: cleaning, electricity, plumbing and civil work.
  • Analytical control of legionnaire’s disease. RD 865/2003.
Disinfection and cleaning of deposits
  • Periodic maintenance of the deposit, integral cleaning, removal of mud and silt and disinfection to prevent legionnaire’s disease. RD 865/2003.
  • Maintenance of the exterior installation.
  • Microbiological and physical-chemical control of eater to prevent legionnaire’s disease. RD 865/2003 and the quality of water for human consumption 140/2003.
Irrigation and maintenance of gardens (public and private)
  • Maintenance and integral management of green areas.
  • Modernization and improvement of the efficiency of irrigation installations.
  • Detection of legionnaire’s disease and pneumophila in the irrigation sprinklers.
  • Analysis and execution of the quality of water for irrigation purposes. Physical-chemical control and micro-biological control.
  • Soil analysis to evaluate their texture and composition.
  • Foliar analysis to evaluate the nutritional state of a plant.
  • Analysis of substratums, mineral and organic fertilizers and to verify the composition declared by the manufacturer.
Treatment, prevention and control of legionnaire’s disease
  • Elaboration of a functioning hydraulic scheme indicating critical points.
  • Revision and examination of all parts of an installation.
  • Microbiological and physical-chemical control of wáter.
  • Cleaning and disinfection programme.
  • Maintenance of register at disposition of Inspections by Sanitary Authorities.
Operation and quality control of auto-consumption and drinking water networks
  • Preventative and corrective maintenance of disinfection installations (chlorinators and analyzers).
  • Quality Control for treated water with the aim to guarantee its quality for human consumption, according to 140/2003.
  • Study of drinking water network.
  • Install continuous analyzers with remote control.
  • Install chlorinators at critical points.
Spillage Control Management
  • Analysis of lixiviates.
  • Analysis and control of piezometers.
  • Characterization and classification of residues to be admitted (dangerous, not dangerous or inert).
  • Collection of samples in all cases and refrigerated transport to GAMASER.
Swimming Pools and Sports centres
  • Analysis of water in swimming pools.
  • Analysis of water in the pools feeders.
  • Microbiological control of surfaces (showers, changing rooms, etc).
  • Physical-chemical and microbiological analysis to determine the presence of legionnaire’s disease and pneumophila in areas of risk (showers, closed circuits, sprinklers etc).
  • Maintenance of cleaning:
    • Superficial: Collecting floating objects, cleaning the bottom of pool, etc.
    • Integral cleaning: coagulants, anti-algae, chemical products, etc.
  • Electromechanical maintenance: control of purification equipment: cleaning and maintenance of hair filters, sand etc, prefilter, pumps, pressure, etc.
  • Chemical maintenance: pH, Clorine, Temperatura, alkaline controls.
Desalinization Plants
  • We aim to provide top quality water coming from sources high in nitrates, sulphates, chlorides, bromides, calcium, magnesium and arsenic.
  • Integral solutions adapted to the concrete problem, using osmosis, nanofiltration, electrodialysis or ionic exchange.
  • The activity includes financing, design, construction and operating, working of plants, and also technical assistance in desalinization plants.
  • Construction, Operation and maintenance.
  • Technical assistance in existing plants.
  • References:
    • These are extended across the Valencian Community, Aragon and Catalunya, highlighting the experience in the installation of the BOOT Project in Gandia. This involves reversible electrodialysis for the elimination of nitrates and water hardness, as well as inverse osmosis projects in several populations.
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